Frequently Asked Questions
- Tytron 2.2 Software (Deprecated Dec 2023)
- c5000 USB TyTron
- c7000 BluTooth TyTron
- Ty-tROM Range of Motion
- TyTron Scanner Maintenance
NOTE: Tech calls that require assistance with computers, hardware, software, etc, will be charged $195.00 per incident
I am having trouble printing in Windows 10 or 11.
Will the Tytron software work on my computer?
- Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and as of April 2017 they do not support Windows Vista. Thus, Titronics will not support the software on those operating systems.
- System Requirements: Windows 7/8/10/11 · Pentium II Processor or Greater · 200MB Free Hard Drive Space · CD-Rom Drive or USB Port for installation and at least 1 USB port for scanner connection.
I have installed the software, but I can't scan.
- The registration number needs to be placed in the software in Setup on the Main Tab.The scanner needs to be detected in both the computer and the software.
- If you have a C3000/C4000 scanner, also check the power supply. You should see a red light in the black and white wheel hub. C3000 and C4000 are serial scanners that need to find the correct COM port found in the Device Manager and then put in the software. Make sure that the Serial Scanner 1 is enabled in the Scanner tab of the Setup, there too you will be able to input the correct port number that you found in the Device Manage.
- C5000 and C6000 are USB connection and can be found in the Device Manager under USB Connections. No ports are needed to be put in the software.
- 7000 are unique in that they hold serial and USB connections. To best find how to get your scanner to be detected, follow the Bluetooth Tytron Installing instructions Here Sometimes the hardware drivers are needed to connect the scanner to the computer. In this case, most standard drivers can be found on Titronics website under Resources or on the flashdrive under drivers.
My lines graphs are fine, but the bar graphs are all to one side and green.
In the Setup on the Scans Tab, there is an option for Center Bar graph. That should be checked YES. This is also an indication that your scanner’s calibration might need to be checked.
Is there any maintenance I should do to the software?
Tytron 2.2 software has an update feature. Updates are released randomly. The computer needs to be online for updates. You can manually check for updates by clicking the Check for Updates at the bottom of Setup. Every once in a while, you might need to do a Database Maintenance. You also want to back up your database in case of a problem with the computer. It is recommended that you do this as often as you can.
Tytron Scanner User Manual3.16 Data Base Maintenance
Database Maintenance is an important step in keeping the Tytron software running smoothly. To load a patient file, the computer must look through the database to find all applicable patient information. Over time the database may become fragmented and slow down as a result of growth from adding new scans and patients. The Tytron uses a very stable and secure database for storing this information. Running the database maintenance reorganizes the information to maintain high reliability and speed.
- Close out of the Tytron Software program
- Click on the File Explorer
- Double click the C3000 folder.
- Double click on DBFixer.exe – The Database Repair program will open.
- Click on the “Rebuild and Fix All” button and wait for the message to read 100% successful.
- Exit out of it.
- The Database Maintenance is complete
For optimal scanner performance, complete Database Maintenance on a quarterly basis. Complete database maintenance BEFORE performing a database backup to help ensure a successful backup and restoration process. The Database Maintenance process also repairs potential corruption errors that can occur if the computer “locks up”.
I am getting an 'index out of date' error when I pull up my software. What do I do?
Close the software and do Database Maintenance. Remember, if your software is networked you will have to close the software on all the computers and perform the maintenance on the server.
Tytron User Manual – 3.18 Database Restoration
If the computer malfunctions, causing damage to the patient database, the Database Restoration process will restore the database back to the point of the last backup.The Database Restoration process only works if the patient database has been previously backed up!
To perform a restoration, follow these steps:
- Close the Tytron Program on all computers on the network.
- Insert the drive that contains the database backup files.
- Open the drive containing the backup.
- Double click the backup zip (TytronBackupMM-DD-YYYY.zip)
- Go to Home, Select All
- Go to Home, Copy to, Choose location…
- Locate Drive C and open the C3000 folder and then the DB folder.
- Click on the Copy button
- Select Replace the files in the Destination.
- Database Restoration is complete
- Run the Tytron Program to verify successful restoration by loading a patient
Can I use the software on multiple computers in the office?
Yes! Networking the software can be accomplished if all the computers are networked in the office first. The computer to be used as the Server needs to share the C3000 folder with full access and each of the Clients (and the Server if it is using the software also) need to point to the database in Setup. The Data Folder should be set to ServerNameC3000DB.
What are the scanning modes for the Tytron softwware?
If a scan is 25cm or less, the software recognizes it as a Cervical Scan, anything longer is a Full Spine. There are also the modes of Segment Scan and Infant Scan located at the top right of the scan screen. Segment scan allows you to read the lumbar, skip the thoracic, and continue with cervical scan.
The Segmental mode allows performing a lumbar and a cervical scan, while omitting the thoracic region (to avoid clothing). Simply lift the back covering to expose the lumbar and lower the back covering to expose the cervical. To do this, click Scan on the home screen to display a blank scan screen. Click the Segment button, located at the top right corner of the screen. To record all data properly, place the scanner probes ¾” lower than the desired starting point. To start, pull the trigger and scan the lumbar region, then release the trigger. Next, place the scanner just below T1, pull the trigger again and complete the cervical scan, then release the trigger. The full spine line or bargraph displays with no lines/bars in the mid spine area.
Scanning infants adheres to the same rules as adults. However, the fixed probe width being wider than an infant’s neck necessitates a special protocol. Use only the left barrel to scan both sides of the spine, one side at a time. Once a patient has been selected via the Load Patient File function, follow these steps:1. Bring up the scanning screen by hitting the S key or clicking the Scan button on the home screen. A blank screen displays.2. Before starting to scan, mark a starting reference point for the scans. Using a washable marker, draw a horizontal line across the spine as a starting point (remember to carefully palpate for cervical or full spine starting point before drawing the line).3. Select the Infant Mode by hitting the I key or clicking on the Infant button at the upper right corner of the screen. On the scanning screen instructions will be displayed.4. Always start with the right paraspinal surface first. Place the wheels of the left barrel on the right paraspinal surface while maintaining the probe tip just above the skin and exactly on the drawn horizontal starting line.5. Pull the trigger, but do not begin scanning immediately! First, a tone sounds (if sound is enabled) and the software displays a screen prompt reading Initializing Sensors. Next, a second tone sounds and the software displays a screen prompt reading Scanning, signaling to begin the scan.6. Scan upward towards the head with an even cadence while maintaining the left probe tip just off the skin. When the hairline is encountered, gently press the probe down onto the skin to displace the hair. Stop the scan when the occiput is encountered and release the trigger before lifting the scanner off the spine. A screen prompt displays, reading Ready to Scan.7. Now, place the wheels of the left barrel on the left paraspinal surface while maintaining the probe tip just above the skin and exactly on the drawn horizontal starting line.8. Again, pull the trigger and wait for the set of tones or prompts indicating to begin the scan. However, this time do not stop at the occiput! Scan just past the termination point of the right paraspinal scan and release the trigger (the computer references the distance of the scan to the starting line and only saves the exact same amount of infrared signals as the right paraspinal scan).Once the left side scan is complete, a thermal plotted graph immediately displays on the screen. Hit the Esc key to save the scan. Unlike scanning adults, infant scan repeatability is dependent upon the scanner’s wheel encoder and the starting point of the scan. The reference point of each scan is the drawn horizontal starting line. Consequently, the only error involved is the ability to start the scan at the same point each time.
Data Base error - how do I rebuild the files in the Patient DB files in the C-3000 folder?
Tytron User Manual – 3.18 Database Restoration
If the computer malfunctions, causing damage to the patient database, the Database Restoration process will restore the database back to the point of the last backup.The Database Restoration process only works if the patient database has been previously backed up!
To perform a restoration, follow these steps:1. Close the Tytron Program on all computers on the network.2. Insert the drive that contains the database backup files.3. Open the drive containing the backup.4. Double click the backup zip (TytronBackupMM-DD-YYYY.zip)5. Go to Home, Select All6. Go to Home, Copy to, Choose location…7. Locate Drive C and open the C3000 folder and then the DB folder.8. Click on the Copy button9. Select Replace the files in the Destination.10. Database Restoration is complete11. Run the Tytron Program to verify successful restoration by loading a patient.
How do I INSTALL / BACKUP / RESTORE the Tytron Software & Patient DATA from a USB Flash Drive?
View the contents of the Flash Drive and double click on the Titronics.exe file.
How do I install the C-7000 Bluetooth Scanner?
The Document “C-7000 Bluetooth Quick Start” covers this in detail. Read More
I just bought a scanner from another doctor, do I need to contact Titronics?
Titronics is under FDA guidelines. This means that Titronics is responsible for keeping a record of where the devices are. A transfer of a scanner from Doctor to Doctor can be done over the phone. There is a transfer fee involved. Call into the office for more information. 319-545-7377.
What keyboard functions do I use in the software to get _____?
The following is a quick summary of the single letter command keys that function either in the scan display, scan history, or home screens:B =Toggles between the line graph and Bargraph views. (scan screen or bar graph screen)D =Toggles between the Delta-T and DT views. (bargraph screen)A = Shows Autonomic chart with a bargraph. (bargraph screen)N = Displays a Normal scan for comparison. (scan screen)F = Allows Fossa temperatures to be taken. (scan screen)I = Allows Infants scans to be taken. (scan screen)E = Allows a Segmental scan to be taken. (scan screen)L = Place or reposition Break Lines. (scan screen)H = Hide or show Break Lines. (scan or history screens)PgUp/PgDwn = Search through additional past scans. (history screens)P or R = Print any displayed scan screen. (scan, bargraph or history screens)S = Brings up a blank Scan Screen. (home screen)L = Load a Patient. (home screen)T = Edit a Patient. (home screen)M = NCM mode. (home screen)X = Exports the screen as a jpeg to a folder called images in the C-3000 folder. (at any screen showing a scan, bargraph or history)X = Export the Patient. (home screen)Q = Quick Scan a patient without saving the scan. (home screen)O = Imports a patient. (home screen)U = Load the Setup screen. (home screen)Z = Opens the notes on most screens.Y = Toggles the Delta/DT Hybrid option.
How can I email a scan to a patient?
Emailing options are available in the software under the Printing tab of the SetupThe Use MAIP option will use your Email client (Thunderbird, etc.) to send mail.The E-Mail Settings(SMTP) area allows you to configure the software to send mail directly through your E-Mail server. Consult with you E-Mail provider for information on these settings.If all else fails, print a scan to PDF and then attach it to an email using your email server.
What are the functions of all the buttons to the left of the patient home screen?
F1 Pre: Displays the last pre-adjustment scan performed.F2 Pat + Post: This function serves two purposes. First, a patient’s pattern is displayed with the last post-adjustment scan overlaid, allowing the patient to see results of their last adjustment. Second, use the C key to look back through post-adjustment scans in detail to determine the effectiveness of adjustments. (See Scan Utilities below for how to set a pattern)F3 Pat + Pre: This function also serves two purposes. First, a patient’s pattern is displayed with the last pre-adjustment scan overlaid, to objectively present data supporting your decision along with other findings to adjust or not adjust at visit. Second, use the C key to look back through preadjustment scans in detail.F4 Scan Utilities:The Scan Utilities screen has 9 basic functions. Click the Scan Utilities button or hit the F4 key while at the Home Screen to perform scan utilities. First, a scan must be selected to perform a scan utility function (either click on it or select the corresponding letter) — the exception to this in the Any 2 Scans function.1 View: Views the selected scan. This can also be performed by double clicking the scan or hitting the Enter key.2 Any 2 Scans: Displays an overlay of 2 selected scans. Select the scans after hitting this button by clicking on the desired scans or pressing the corresponding letters.3 View /w Pat: Displays the selected scan overlaid with the patient’s selected pattern.4 Pre/Post: Changes the selected scan from a pre-adjustment scan to a post and vice versa.5 Edit Scan: Edits the Note, Listing, Comment, Pre/Post designation, Pattern fields and options for a scan. The Note field allows notes up to 4 characters long (i.e. MVA). Editing the Listing changes the listing for the currently selected scan only. The Comment field allows up to 255 characters of information (i.e. SOAP notes).6 Make Pat: Marks the selected scan as the patient’s pattern.7 Delete Scan: Permanently deletes the scan from the selected patient’s database. Delete Patient: Permanently erases the patient and all their scans. This cannot be undone! Export to CSV: Exports the scan list to a .CSV (comma separated values) file.F5-F8: The History Manager allows for quickly monitoring the details and results of care. Hitting the Page Up and Page Down keys while viewing a patient that has more scans than displayed on the screen allows for the viewing the additional scans from the patient’s history. The History Manager functions are discussed in more detail in the History Screen section on page 28.F5 Pat + 9: Displays the patient’s chosen pattern in the upper left hand corner along with the last 9 scans in the database. This allows the ability to review the progress of care and evaluate both the chosen pre-adjustment scan and the effects of the adjustment on the post scan.F6 Pat + Pre: Displays the patient’s chosen pattern in the upper left hand corner along with the last 9 pre-adjustment scans in the database to quickly evaluate if a new pattern is forming.F7 Pat + Post: Displays the patient’s chosen pattern in the upper left hand corner along with the last 9 post-adjustment scans in the database to quickly evaluate if rendered adjustments are effective.F8 Pat + Pre when Post: Displays the patient’s chosen pattern in the upper left hand corner along with the last 9 pre-adjustment scans when a post adjustment scan is performed. This allows the ability to evaluate if the pre-adjustment scans match the pattern or if over-adjustments are performed.F9 Pre/Post: Quickly toggles the last scan taken between a Pre and a Post Adjustment.F10 Comment: Displays the comment field for the last scan taken. The comment field allows up to 255 characters of information, for comments such as SOAP notes.F11 Change Listing: Changes the listing for the last scan taken. This differs from the editing function in the Scans Utilities area. This function updates the displayed home screen listing and all subsequent scans performed.F12 Select Scans: Allows the selection of up to 10 scans for individual history viewing. Once the scans have been selected, click OK or hit the Enter key to view the scans. Hit the Esc key to return to the Select Scans screen. Click the Clear button to clear previously selected scans or Esc again to return to the home screen.NCM: Loads the NCM Screen. See page 29 for more details.Scan: Hitting the S key allows for a simple scan to be taken without a pre-adjustment or pattern overlay. Multiple scans may be performed in this manner, however only the last scan taken will be saved in the patient’s file upon exit. To save multiple scans press the Enter key after taking each scan.
Do I need to backup my database?
The scans are held on your computer not in the scanner or uploaded to a Titronics website.Titronics recommends backing up the software to a removable flash drive at least once a week.To perform a backup, follow these steps:1. Close the Tytron Program on all computers on the network.2. On the server, run the Tytron Program and click on the Backup button.3. A pop up box will initiate the back up – click Yes4. The Tytron Backup Wizard will ask you where you would like the data saved to5. Click on Browse and locate your Flash Drive. Then click on OK.6. Click Go.If the computer malfunctions, causing damage to the patient database, the Database Restoration process will restore the database back to the point of the last backup.The Database Restoration process only works if the patient database has been previously backed up!To perform a restoration, follow these steps on a Windows 8 program:1. Close the Tytron Program on all computers on the network2. Insert the drive that contains the database backup files3. Open the drive containing the backup4. Double click the backup zip (TytronBackupMM-DD-YYYY.zip)5. Go to Home, Select All6. Go to Home, Copy to, Choose location…7. Locate Drive C and open the C3000 folder and then the DB folder8. Click on the Copy button9. Select Replace the files in the Destination10. Database Restoration is complete11. Run the Tytron Program to verify successful restoration by loading a patient
Is there any maintenance I should do on the Tytron Scanner?
On Titronics website (www.titronics.com) in the Video section, there is a video titled “Tytron Cleaning and Maintenance” that shows you how to do a in-house maintenance. Titronics recommends that every 2-4 years your scanner should come in for a “clean and calibration”. Also if your scanner is wireless it will need a battery replacement every 2-4 years.
Does the Tytron Scanner work with MyoVision/Platinum/Coface/Atlas?
Yes, the scanner can work with a select few other software systems. Titronics does not support those systems. For any support on those programs, you will have to contact that company’s technical services.
I just bought a scanner from another doctor, do I need to contact Titronics?
Titronics is under FDA guild lines. This means that Titronics is responsible for keeping a record of where the devices are. A transfer of a scanner from Doctor to Doctor can be done over the phone. There is a transfer fee involved. Call the office for more information. 319-545-7377.
What is the range of the Bluetooth Scanner?
Bluetooth has a range of 10 meters barring interference from furniture, walls, people and etc.
How do I scan a patient?
Once a patient is selected via the Load Patient File function, the scanning process itself is fully automated.
1. Pick up the scanner by its handle. Do not touch any part of the scanner head. (This is the area above the handle that is separated by a white or black thermal shield). Touching the scanner head can temporarily affect scan accuracy.2. Place the wheels on the patient while maintaining the probe tips just above the surface of the skin. Evenly space the probes over the center of the spine. When performing full spine scans, carefully palpate for the first sacral segment and place the probes one centimeter below this level. If only scanning the cervical spine, carefully palpate for the first thoracic segment and begin the scan here. Use only spinous process palpation to locate starting points. Any palpation over the paraspinal surfaces will alter true thermal data collection.3. Pull the trigger, but do not begin scanning immediately! A tone sounds(if sound is enabled), along with a screen prompt reading Initializing Sensors. A second tone sounds to signal to begin the scan, along with a screen prompt reading Scanning. A voice prompt may also be selected by going to the Scans Tab under The Setup Button.4. Begin scanning from the lower back towards the head with an even cadence while maintaining the probe tips just off the skin. When the hairline is encountered, gently press the probes down onto the skin to displace the hair. Stop the scan when the occiput is encountered and release the trigger before lifting the scanner off the spine. A proper scan cadence will yield approximately 20 seconds for a full spine and 8 seconds for a cervical spine scan. Once the scan finishes it will immediately display on the line graph screen. If the patient’s pattern or a previous scan has been performed on the same day, the current scan is automatically overlaid. To perform a scan without a pre scan or pattern overlay, simply hit the S key while at the home screen. Hitting the Esc key, or clicking the X in the upper right area of the screen or hitting Enter saves the last scan preformed. The exceptionally high repeat-ability of the Tytron is dependent upon the scanner’s left wheel encoder maintaining rolling contact with the patient through the termination point of the scan. It is recommended that the patient be in the same position/posture for each scan to ensure repeat-ability. The reference point of each scan is the termination point (with the exception of scanning infants). Thus, the termination point of the scan is established when the scanner’s probes reach the occiput.
How do you install the Tytron on your computer?
What if Bluetooth is not built in to my computer?
Connect Bluetooth dongle, wait for drivers to load, Follow instructions as if Bluetooth is built in.
How do I charge the Tytron?
To charge the Blue Tooth scanner, you will use the provided usb cord to the wall outlet. The scanner uses a cell phone battery, so you will want to charge it every night.
What do the lights on the scanner mean?
If the light on top is blinking it is ready to connect, a solid means it is connected, off means the battery is dead or its plugged in.
Can I use the scanner on networked computers in the office?
It can connect to multiple computers. Once the patient is unloaded the light should start flashing meaning it’s ready to connect to a different computer. When you load a patient the light should go solid showing the connection. Once it is connected it can’t connect to another until you disconnect by unloading the patient.
What is the range of the Bluetooth Scanner?
Bluetooth has a range of 10 meters barring interference from furniture, walls, people and etc.
Installing The Driver
The drivers are on your Flash Drive under the Folder labeled DRIVERS.
Download them HERE.
Field Cleaning Info:

Cleaning and Calibration (C&C)
A C&C includes:
- test functionality
- repair or replacement of – barrels, wheels, trigger, lenses, serial plug (for C3000 & C4000), circuit board soldering joints, paint touch-ups
- at least 3 final functionality tests in our climate-controlled calibration room
* All repairs/C&C start at $395.00 plus shipping back. If a unit comes in that needs additional work, we only contact the owner if the bill looks to be greater than $750.00 (without shipping).
**It is suggested that C5000 scanners come in at least every 5 years for recalibration to ensure accuracy per FDA guidelines. If a Bluetooth scanner, Wireless scanner, or ROM has a battery, it is suggested that you send it in every 2-3 years for battery replacement.